
A showcase of my projects and abilities

8 Bit Weather Web App

An app that displays the weather styled to look like classic video games.

  • Used a RESTful API to gather data and store in properties to be displayed.
  • Used MVC framework to create our pages visuals and functionality.
  • HTML and CSS used to visually display our page with an attractive look and easy to use functionality.
  • GIF images provided to match the weather conditions by using lowercase names and matching the Main string property to that name after being lowercase with ToLower.

Songfinder Web App

  • Created a database that stores metadata of songs and artists along with album images that are displayed on the website to help the user get the data they need or browse at their leisure.
  • Stored images in the database as byte type and later converted to String.Format to properly display images while still being stored in the database.
  • Used SQL commands and connections for full CRUD capabilities so song info can be created, updated, deleted and viewed on the webpage.
  • Created a log in feature when first opening the page storing an email address and password in a separate controller with a click to keep me log in radial feature using CookieAuthenticationDefaults.
  • Used HTML and CSS to create a stylized view for the user including a video background for the homepage and handmade image background for the other pages with the aid of GIMP software.

Sega Saturn Library Database

  • Created a database that stores metadata of game and box art images that are displayed on the website to help the user get the data they need or browse at their leisure.
  • Full CRUD features using SQL commands including creating game data, viewing (reading) game data, updating and deleting. A placeholder image is generated for any created game to ensure an admin can later go back and create a uniform image.
  • Stored all images in SQL using the blob feature and reconstructed the byte type using String.Format after converting the blob property in Visual Studio to a string.
  • Used HTML and CSS to stylize the view of the page including an introduction video and a bezel to go around the content.

Web Scraper

  • C# web scraper using SQL queries to write scraped weather information to a database
  • Utilizes a foreach loop that iterates over multiple URLs to get multiple cities
  • Utilizes an if statement to skip to the next URL if data from the same city is already present


  • This program will simulate a conversation between Kanye West and Ron Swanson through API calls
  • Using the Newtonsoft.JSON NuGet package the program will make a call to the Kanye URL and parse the JSON object into a string called kanyeQuote
  • The application makes a call to the Ron Swanson API and parses the JSON Array into a string called swansonQuote
  • The program will “chat” using a loop to simulate the two talking back and forth until the loop finishes execution

About Me

I have a strong love for learning new skills in tech and finding ways to use those skills in my projects to help me grow as a programmer and influence my creativity.

I am a highly creative individual with a passion for songwriting and audio engineering as well. This along with playing/repairing old arcade games and pinball machines are my hobbies.

I love learning new skills and helping others to learn new skills in anything that my toolset may be able to provide for someone else. I find it very rewarding and an investment to see new ideas and creative avenues taken. The tools you give to someone to properly express themselves in any capacity, especially coding, can help to spark ideas in yourself and others. Everyone benefits from this and I find it to be one of the most important characteristics to have in life.